uWISHUFISH; nice work , you threw a monkey wrench into that's jw's whole line of thinking. It's amazing how just talking to these dopes with a little insight, can make their heads spin. you are right that jw will remember your little talk for years . but tomorrow will forget this weeks wt study. sounds like you have the right bait. john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
JW at gas station
by uwishufish inshe was inside getting some coffee and was in a hurry.
i ask to where and she said to a jw convention.
i told her that the jw s talked with me several years ago and told me christ came invisibly into power in 1914. itold her i did not believe this then but now i do!
My Opinion: The Majority of ExJWs Are Quite Reasonable!
by minimus inthankfully, as a group, we're pretty normal, don'tcha think??
johnny cip
miniMUS you want to keep playing your games? KEEP FUCKING WITH ME. and i will play on your weaknesses. you have no balls and the board know it. keep it up mini
My Opinion: The Majority of ExJWs Are Quite Reasonable!
by minimus inthankfully, as a group, we're pretty normal, don'tcha think??
johnny cip
mini : i want to see you have the nerve to test my knowledge of the wt on this board. call me a nut or what ever. think i can'T spell or cut and paste? you will be sorry, I will make sure I take the time to show your ignorance. any time you post against me i will just paste your unwillingness to get down to fact's just like I do with any jw. and they always lose. you want to join the loser club? or did you already lose with me? I'll guess by your reactions you lost the first time you tried me. old time posters would know what i'm talking about... john
My Opinion: The Majority of ExJWs Are Quite Reasonable!
by minimus inthankfully, as a group, we're pretty normal, don'tcha think??
johnny cip
mINI SINCE YOUR SUCH A GIRL. LETS PLAY A WT TRIVIAL PERSUIT GAME RIGHT HERE ON THE BOARD YOU AGAINST ME... LET some one pick a wt topic or wt publication( i would like you to pick one of your ass kissers so i shut 2 down at once) we will see who can find more lies and bullshit in one wt paragraph or study than the other . then let the board say who's know their shit? now tell me that don't sound fare? you think your so smart . it's an honest test...let the board that you curse me so much about see the difference. I'll let you pick the first wt atricle. and then we will see. who sees what in them. i know you don't like fare. but i'm a master of wt lies. so step up the plate. .. if not shut your crybaby mouth. we can do this on a no other posters topic. I love to take candy from a baby... your move. john
My Opinion: The Majority of ExJWs Are Quite Reasonable!
by minimus inthankfully, as a group, we're pretty normal, don'tcha think??
johnny cip
miniMus I HAVE BEEN VERY REASONABLE with jw's for dozens of years. using scriptures and wt material . to prove them WRONG 1000'S OF TIMES>.... an I wrong? or is just you can't accept the fact i can shut most any jw down . be from callng the writing dept at bethel. or talking to your local assholes that control your cong. and your mom. worships . talking to jw's is easy. like taking candy from a 5 year old treat or treating on HOLLOWWEEN. your no different. 35 years ago while you were SELLING MAG'S FOR 15 CENTS. I WAS CALLING THE WTS BABYLON THE GREAT An WAS RIGHT 1975 CAME AND WENT AND I STILL SEE DOPES LIKE YOU THAT STAYED IN THE CRAPTOWER TILL THE EARLY 2000'S AND SOME OF THEM ASK ME? JOHN; HOW DID YOU SEE IT 30 YEAR AGO. I JUST TELL THEM SIMPLE COMMON SENSE. common sense will set you free. don't worry about x jw's that have had balls much larger than you. to get out a lot faster than you. look back and ask your self WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO LONG...
I was called "The Dog" tonight
by restrangled ini am very angry.
i visited the active talk site tonight, identified myself as restrangled as most of you know who i am, and skally referred to me as "the dog".
i have been a member for just about 2 years, contributed cash to those in need without question, supported those in any way i could and my husband has done the same.. i am beyond hurt..i.thought myself and my husband had supported your cause......to be called "the dog" by one one of your most prominent members lets me know we don't count for squat no matter what we do...much like the witnesses.. thanks skally...you made my day today.. r.. .
johnny cip
let me tell some of you new comers here on jwd. and ad man ( last year or two} there was a time about 6 years ago when SK SKALLY . was on top of her game. and could hang with any old time heavy posters, like alan f, farkel, maximus, kent (wt observer.org} doc bob, jan grovland, nathan natas, and other postered that really knew their shit about the wts. i clearly remember asking her to look up any wt question (real old wt shit) , it never took her more than minutes to find most anything I was looking for. most of these old posters are long gone with their KNOWLEDGE. that you new posters will never find. I*'ve been around to long not to respect KNOWLEDGE I HAVEN'T SEEN ON THIS BOARD IN YEARS. EVERY once and awhile some of these old posters come around and post something IMPORTANT. and I see in the last few years here they get a poor responce. YOU NEWER POSTERS ARE MORE INTERESTED IN minimus' latest stupid question you have heard 1000 times before. instead of kicking older posters that are tired of the same old crap. try asking someone like sf skally etc. for help to look up something you need to win your next arguement with your jw family. you will have a friend for life, and she has the KNOWLEDGE . try being nice and you will learn. john
My meeting with the elders.. I TOTALLY WIMPED OUT
by AWAKE&WATCHING ini agreed to speak to 2 elders from the congregation that i was in from when i started my bible study in 1979 to when i disassociated myself in 1990. i was in the same congregation when i got re-instated in 2001 until i got married and moved to another congregation (30 miles away) a year later.
when i left my husband in aug. of this year i had already quit going to meetings for about 4 months.
i moved back to the same town i lived in before, of course never going to the hall.. i talked to them because i wanted closure for myself and my best friend and also my husband, both of them thought if i would just have the meeting with the elders that i would be re-adjusted.
johnny cip
you went with the right idea. you just couldn't bring it out of you. don't feel bad. so you couldn't help them, they can't change what you already know. I always scream on the board to stand up to the jw's. well you did, you just don't know it yet. they had the deck stacked against you. since you say in 2 and a half hours. you couldn't get in a word edgewise. I would leave them alone, and not agree to any more talk with them. by you standing firm and not playing any religious game , and not going back to them. you will have WON. without ever saying a word. just cut them off, they will drive you crazy. If you want someone to question your elders just pm me. it will be the opposite me working them for 2 hours . without them saying much. best wishes john
Remembering Jan Groenveld
by Sunspot ini was just reading the "12 steps" thread and decided to start a new thread to give those of us who "knew" her-the chance to say what they'd like to share with all our newbies.
when i was in the process of knowing what the wts was all about, and not quite ready to make the break or tell people what i had discovered---jan took me under her large wing and helped me so much.
i can't tell you how many things she sent for me to read and how many emails she wrote to me as i plodded and trudged through my realization and pain of what i had dedicated my life to serving.
johnny cip
I remember Jan very fondly; never met her. but read her site long ago. most likely every page. i think when i first started posting here Jan was sending me emails and pm's. what a honest person. she liked my in your face style. while many posters here were calling me a nut case. she made me feel good for standing up to jw's and not backing down , I will never forget her. we need more x jw's like her. may she rest in peace... john
So that's what the other shoe looks like. Update with my parents
by Paralipomenon inheading to the apostafest this weekend, we have made a deal with our friends to look after our kids.
given that they already have 3 children, adding 3 more could be stressful so we thought we would ask my parents if they wanted to take one overnight.
bobbi mentioned that she hadn't really heard much from my mom and suspected something was up.
johnny cip
para; I feel for you , and I know you have to stand firm. to add to scully's post about holidays romans 14. colossians 2:16-19 IS very clear about not letting anyone judge you on religious holidays. in fact jw's hate col. 2 i have used this and romans 14 many times on jw's. I'm very forceful to ask the jw's when they discount these verses. if they REALLY FOLLOW THE WHOLE BIBLE or just the parts the wt instructs them to. I don't know how far your willing to go, but there is a lot of mileage in this one arguement. stand strong you will do fine. best wishes to your family and you. john
Public Talks To Be Discontinued!!! (NOT! - see page 8)
by minimus inafter the sunday culttower study is over, everyone will be expected to preach because the end is soooooooo close!.
[minimus i have added to the title so people can read yor correction.
otherwise i think people might just miss it.
johnny cip
SO MINImus you have any more STUPID one liners. that you learned at elder school ? to htymotize ( my sl) that your some kind of X JW GOD? I'm just knocked out how you can get so much responce from your 3rd grade questions. but have no balls to deal with anyone that questions you? how's the bowling ball waxing co. doing? lol